Fort Getty campers need to care for site

To the editor:

Now that summer residents have left Fort Getty, can more be done to help them pack up and clean up?

I recently picked up numerous zip ties — they are everywhere. Made of nylon, they are non-biodegradable, non-recyclable and have a detrimental impact to park visitors, wildlife, pets, the land and ocean.

Their toxic chemicals leach into our environment and take years to decompose. Research shows the problem associated with such bioaccumulation significantly impacts soil and water, and is a threat to human health and other mammals, sea life, birds, etc.

Short of checking every summer resident’s use of biodegradable alternatives like Velcro straps, an inspection of a camper’s site before check-out could perhaps incentivize more care for the environment, although certainly it’s not a solution.

While these harmful plastics are a problem, many sites contain other sundry items, such as plastic flower pots, clothing, kitchen utensils, outdoor carpet, trash, and other waste. Isn’t it reasonable to ask campers to leave their site in the same condition they found it, free of harmful contaminants?

Jill Harrison
Sloop Street